Nestled amidst the serenity of nature, Lost Lake, a luxurious cottage resort built by the esteemed Maurice Strong, invites you to step into a world of unparalleled comfort and beauty. As the founder of Petro Canada, the former Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, and the father of the climate change movement, Strong’s remarkable legacy is interwoven into the very fabric of this exquisite property. Notably, he also served as a mentor to Canada’s Prime Minister Paul Martin, making Lost Lake a true testament to the exceptional lives that have touched its grounds. The new owners have meticulously restored the property to its former glory, reminiscent of the days when it hosted world leaders and influential figures. Set amidst over 100 acres of pristine wilderness, Lost Lake features a private, crystal-clear lake – with two private beach areas perfect for all your aquatic adventures and relaxation.